Monday, June 16, 2008

Caution: High Water

So many of you may have heard on the news, or even experienced first hand the recent rain and flooding that came with it. Thankfully up by us, the flooding hasn't been as severe as it has been in the Fond du Lac, Oshkosh, and southern parts of the state of Wisconsin.  A lot of people have had water damage in their basement, or even lost their entire homes.  

Because we live so high up on the hill, it would be near impossible to be flooded by the river. However, the river is still significantly higher than normal.  We suspect about 6 feet, which has damaged many things.  Here is a picture of our dock.  You'll see our boat is still tied to the dock. Since the boat launch across the river has been closed for the second week now, we couldn't even get the boat out if we wanted.  The launch is completely flooded.  The picture on the left shows the condition we've been dealing with as of late.  Half of the dock is underwater.  Usually the whole thing is about 3 feet above the water. 


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