We've been doing some research on cloth diapering to decide which cloth diaper to get for when baby arrives. We found a great Pocket Diaper called Bum Genius 3.0. They are affordable, fit all sizes from infant to toddler (with out having to buy a different size for each weight group), and are environmentally friendly because they are washable and reusable. I was reading a local blog that shares a lot of great information about "natural" parenting. She also owns a local shop/cafe: momandpopplace.com
On the blog I found this great information advocating cloth diapering:
Reason Number 1: The Environment
Disposable diapers are the third most common consumer product filling up our landfills today. One baby will contribute at least a ton of waste the local landfill! Not only do disposable diapers take over 500 years to decompose, they require toxic chemicals and vital resources to manufacture.
Reason Number 2: Your Family’s Money
Disposable diapers cost about $1500-$2000 per child. Yikes. You can cloth diaper all your babies for under $500. And you can use the same diapers for more than one child. Even with the cost of water and detergent, you WILL save a ton of money.
Reason Number 3: Your Baby’s Health
Disposable diapers contain polypropylene and other synthetics and chemicals, and dioxins from bleaching. Their super-absorbency encourages caregivers to go longer between changings. Many parents find that their babies suffer less diaper rash and irritation when diapered in cloth. Soft cottons mean healthier bottoms!
1 comment:
Hi parents to be,
Other reasons to use cloth. When toilet training the plastic diapers wick the pee away from skin and so child doesn't feel the wet and get unconfortable. With cloth they know they have peed and so are aware at an earlier age about their body functions!
Asa stopped with day diapers right before he turned 2yrs. and was done with night diapers 2 1/2.
We used a diaper cover that held the cloth diaper and used velcro to close them. They worked great! Were made of a product that breathed but still caught the moisture. I'll have to search to get their name.
Also used another product that looked like those static clothes dryer things. You lay the thin fabric thing in the diaper and when baby poops you can pick that up and flush, so you don't have to soak or scrape the poop off the diaper. Worked great and not expensive. It still stains it a bit but bleach cleans it up. I think I have a bag of lightly used diapers that I can pass on to you.
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