Saturday, May 31, 2008

Quigley's Birthday!

Today our Quigley turned 3!  Of the 3 dogs, he is the only one we know of his actual birthday.  We got Quigley from a breeder in IL and Cora and Boomer are both rescue's.  Quigley came first, and we've had him since 8 weeks old so he has a special place in our hearts.  

We got a coupon in the mail from Petco for his birthday, so we took his spoiled butt there to get the free treats and let him pick out a toy.  The picking out a toy part wasn't as easy as suspected.  I mean, he's a dog...did he even know he was supposed to pick one out? :)  Probably not.   Basically he sniffed out all the toys on the bottom shelf.  He also gravitated some rocks for a fish tank, haha!  Finally, we just picked something out (NOT the fish rocks).  He likes what we picked out - and nonetheless, it was a nice trip to Petco!  

Since Cora's birthday is tomorrow we picked up a little toy for her to tear apart, it's a plush elephant.  If it's plush, our dogs will destroy it.  Not even the wolf sized nylabones (which as as close to indestructible as possible) last in this house!   -L  


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