Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Where does your garden grow?

When you have a moment, check out: This is a great non-profit organization with a purpose - a campaign to plant healthy, edible landscapes in high-impact, high visibility places, whether it's the "First Lawn" or the lawn in front of your child's school. In regards to the "first lawn" they are referring to the White House yard! You can log on and sign a petition stating the following: that "the next President of the United States to plant an organic food garden on the White House lawn, with part of produce going to the White House kitchen and the rest to a local food pantry. The White House is "America's House" and should set a positive example for the country and the world. The new President would not be breaking with tradition, but returning to it (the White House has had vegetable gardens before) and showing how we can meet global challenges such as climate change, food security, and fossil fuel dependence."

Cool! I'm on board with this. Click here to sign the petition, and then also check out what else they have going on.

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