Thursday, May 22, 2008

Blogging for Birds!

Today, I'm blogging for birds!  

We are blessed to have a lot of unique wildlife near our house since we are on the river.  When we first moved here 3 years ago, we thought that we were seeing an eagle flying by once in a while. We came to find out that there were 2 eagles nesting together about 10 miles south of here in a nature preserve area, and indeed what we were seeing was a bald eagle.  Very Cool!  

Well, 2 new eagles have moved in!  Just a few miles up the road there is a new subdivision that was poured.  Some farmer sold off his field, so of course, concrete must be poured.   The lots are over priced and crammed together.  None have sold, to my knowledge. Well, in the process of building the subdivision, a clump of trees were left over.   This spring, a nest was built.  A really big nest!

When we first discovered the nest we saw the eagle sitting next to it on a branch.  Upon circulating the area we spotted the top of a white head in the nest.  We knew that they must have eggs, or chicks!   

I drive past them every day, but on the other side of the river. Now that there are leaves sprouting on the tress, the nest is hiding.  Sometimes I'll spy 1 eagle.  This afternoon on the way home from work, I spied two!  I picked Tim up in the drive way with the camera and we drove over to the nest. Sure enough, there they were, both of them sitting there, about 15 feet from their next.  What stoic, beautiful birds!  Enjoy these pictures.


1 comment:

superwoman8 said...

Wow Lisa, I would have never thought you would be so excited over birds considering you fear the crap out of them! That's pretty cool though that eagles are your neighbors! We have turkeys, hmm I'm noticing a theme!