The weather has been so strange here. We have record amounts of snow in December. I don't mind the snow, I just hate the freezing cold - like a cold weather warning of -20 degrees with the wind chill. Even though we've had a lot of snow, we've still had some super cold days. The opposite happened over Christmas. It was chilly on Christmas day, and then got progressively warmer. It got into the mid 40's, the snow started melted, a dense fog rolled in, and then it began to rain. In some spots of the yard, the snow was melting away completely. In the front yard, we can now see a flower bed that has been covered since early December. Last night the temperature dropped and we got several more inches of snow overnight. It took Tim and I an hour to clear the driveway this morning. Some spots had drifted to 2 or more feet, which our little snow blower just can't get through. So between me shoveling and Tim snow blowing we got it done. I'm glad some of the rain melted the snow away because otherwise I wouldn't have been able to lift the snow on top the huge pile accumulating at the bottom of our driveway. Here is a picture that shows how the snow melted away from the flower bed, but is a gigantic pile at the end of the driveway. If I were to be standing behind the big pile, you'd probably only see my face, the pile is about 4 feet tall. I'm interested in what the rest of the winter will bring!
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