So as a mentioned a few posts ago, I am resolving to craft, in particular - crochet. I completed a plain 'ol scarf with single crochet stitch. It is just one color, bland, and has some obvious areas that aren't quite right :) Next, I wanted to learn the double crochet. So, using the same yarn, I have made a long skinny scarf with the double crochet stitch. I have to say, I was pretty happy with how quick I picked it up, and before I knew it I had my scarf done. I looked back at it, and noticed one spot that I must have stitched a few too many across and it was wider than the rest of the scarf. I wanted to make the scarf wearable since I worked so hard on it, so I decided that I would figure out a way to cover up the flaw :) I decided to make a large crochet flower, and then cover that area of the scarf with it. I have obviously never made a flower, so I was a bit intimidated by learning it. I followed the youtube instructions from a channel I subscribed to. The lady who does the channel has dozen's and dozen's of helpful and easy to understand video's.
She also has a blog, which is very helpful. I followed the youtube video instructions and ended up with a beautiful flower to attach to my scarf. The flower is finished and I have it attached now. It's in the perfect spot of the scarf, where you can wear it kind of like a tie, and right at the top there is a beautiful crocheted flower! I'll hopefully post a picture of me wearing it, but for the meantime, here is a picture of the flower only. I am so excited about this :) I can't wait to wear the scarf out. Hopefully today we'll go to the craft store and I'm going to pick up some more hooks (different sizes) and some different yarns to try out. I bought only 1 hook and 1 acrylic yarn just to see if I could figure it out. I didn't want to waste a lot of money if I wasn't going to be able to figure it out. So far, I have found crocheting to be fun and personally satisfying. I like having something usable to end up with.
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