Monday, January 26, 2009


I thought last night about the blog and I realized I hadn't posted in a while. I feel distracted by nothing. I know, that probably doesn't make any sense but let me explain. In winter, there just isn't much going on, and I get distracted by the fact that I can be lazy and let it take over me :) Let's just say, when it's -10 degrees outside, it's hard to muster up any motivation. The dogs have shortened their potty breaks to a mere minute long. When it's nicer, they will stay outside and spend some time sniffing around. Not lately! It seems like even some wildlife have disappeared into some warm spot. The bird feeder at home and at work have been rather inactive. The feeder here at work is next to the East River, and about 3 feet from where I'm sitting, just outside my window. Usually it has Downy Woodpeckers or Chickadee's getting at it. I have even seen a Red-bellied Woodpecker and a Hairy Woodpecker at the work feeder. Very cool! But for the last two weeks, nothing. I do agree with the birds though, it's just too cold to be outside! Yesterday, we took advantage of the cold weather and did a lot of cleaning at home. That felt nice. We are efforting to keep the house more "tidy." That helps with my mental state too. I like organization! I hope everyone is able to keep warm. This "arctic blast" is ridiculous!

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